
  • Journal of Profession Education

    Journal of Profession Education [e-ISSN 2798-6527] [p-ISSN 2808-9693] is a scientific journal that contains and disseminate the results of research, in-depth study, and the ideas or innovative work in the field of science education. The innovative work of the teachers and lecturers of the development of the education sector which is able to make a positive contribution to the schools and educational institutions the focus of this journal. The focus and scope of this journal include: Curriculum Development, Teaching and Learning, Learning Environment, Teacher Education, Education Issues and Policy, Education Management, Educational Technology, Educational Development, Educational Psychology, Instructional Media, Instructional Models, Learning Aproach, Instructional Strategies, Instructional Methods, and Teaching Techniques.

  • Journal of Health and Therapy

    Journal of Health and Therapy [2808-7747] publishes manuscripts with a basic and applied emphasis, involving both theoretical and experimental areas contributing to the advancement of health and therapy. Papers including psychotherapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapies, pediatric physiotherapy, geriatric physiotherapy, cardiovascular and pulmonary physiotherapy, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, behavioral medicine, community mental health, sexual health, child development, clinical nutrition, community nutrition, institutional nutrition, food technology, food security, public health, community sanitation, environmental health, nursing, midwifery, biology, medicine, pharmacy, etc.

    The Journal publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Brief Reports, and Case Reports.
    The manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Health and Therapy should not have been previously published, and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • Journal of Economics Business Finance and Accounting

    Journal title : Journal of Economics Business Finance and Accounting
    Initials : JEBFA
    Frequency : 6 bulanan ( Januari - Juni, Juli - Desember)
    ISSN : 2988-392X (Online)
    Editor-in-chief : I Gusti Putu Diva Awatara
    Publisher : MRC Rizquna
    Citation : Google Scholar

    Journal of Economics Business Finance and Accounting is a multidisciplinary scientific journal published by MRC Rizquna. This journal was first published in 2023. Journal of Economics Business Finance and Accounting was established to improve the quality of journals, data and information needed for academic and professional interests, especially in the accounting field. This journal covers the fields of economics, business, management, finance, accounting science, accounting information systems, auditing, and taxes. This journal published twice a year in February and August.

    The editorial team welcomes the entire community, especially academics and researchers, to contribute their intellectual dedication in the form of original articles published in this journal that have never been published in any media. Articles can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

  • Journal of Psychology and Treatment

    Journal of Psychology and Treatment  [2809-8994] is a journal devoted to the development of psychology as a scientific discipline. To achieve this goal, Journal of Psychology and Treatment Mind Set presents scientific texts from various branches of psychology. The focus and scope of this journal include: Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychometrics, Experimental Psychology, and Applied Psychology.

  • Journal of Profession Communication

    Journal of Profession Communication is a Scientific Journal published by MRC Rizquna. Journal of Profession Communication is intended to the national and international scholarly community. The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of communication. Articles published are the results of research, bringing the new sights (scope) on Cultural Studies, Public Relations, and Media. Meanwhile, submitted papers are evaluated by double blind peer review for contribution, originality and relevance. Journal of Profession Communication is published twice a year (Regular Issues).